MERGER VOTE TOMORROW- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, News (Amherstburg Minor Hockey Association)

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May 13, 2024 | Wes Ewer | 1338 views
Hello AMHA Members, As we approach our merger vote on Tuesday May 14th, 2024 from 7pm to 9pm, the executive board wanted to send out a recap of the information sessions and present a bit of a pathway forward and what you could expect to see (if the merger passes) for the start of the 2025/26 season.    

A few notes that came from our information sessions:

  1. A member with voting rights is:
    1. A player that was registered and played in full last year and is registered again this year (payment plan is ok for this year)
    2. A new member that has registered and paid or set up a payment plan.
  2. Below we will break down our vision of how the merger looks for House League and Travel but for all intents and purposes, U8 and U9 MD will be viewed as HOUSE LEAGUE as it pertains to our vision of the future.

We wanted to lay out a few facts and points as to why we are hoping this merger with ENSMHA passes:

  1. Both associations have low numbers at certain age groups.
  2. Our costing for registration and travel fee’s are comparable.  
  3. If we merge, it will allow our association to have a MAJOR, MINOR and C team at every level
  4. The merger will change the structure of AMHA’s development programming moving forward and will be more inclusive of all players getting development rather then those that just sign up for it

How did we get to the need to merge:

  1. The OMHA, at some point soon, is wanting ZONE hockey to happen.  What this means is the OMHA would dictate the layout of boundaries for associations and pick who we are to pair with.
  2. We have to fold teams most years due to numbers (or run with light numbers) and the merger prevents that from happening.  The reality is, if we folded a certain team, it is quite possible the next closest center you would go to would be Erie. 
  3. When reviewing options for a merger, the ENSMHA board and merger committee was very clear from the start that this is a partnership. We are equals entering into an agreement to better the situation for our members.  We feel very good about how they operate and feel like we are very similar organizations, and this transition would be seamless.

How does the 2025/26 Season look if the merger is approved?

  1. If you play house league, it would be status quo.  We would operate out of our arena with our players.  There may be more opportunity and possible cost savings for players willing to move to other arena in our partnership, but nothing will change for house league players
  2. For travel players:
    1. We plan to have a MINOR, MAJOR and C team at every age group
    2. There are two options for ice schedules:

1. A balanced schedule where all teams rotate through all 3 arenas.

2. Major at one arena, Minor at one arena and C at one arena and that would stay consistent each year.

    1. Coach selection would take place the same democratic way we do it now.  The coach selection committee (made up of ENSMHA and AMHA board members) would conduct interviews and make a recommendation to the board. The board would vote. We want the best possible candidate for each team.  We don’t care where you live.
    2. Player selection would be done the same way. The board would, as always, oversee final roster selection and would ensure coaches are doing right by there players. We would expect coaches to select the best available player for their roster.  We are firm believers in letting coaches coach and select the best team they think they can ice. 

We encourage you all to come out and vote and have your voice heard. This is a monumental moment for our association and we want as many people to help shape the future for us. We need 66% majority vote of those in attendance.  Please spread the word and make your way out to vote on May 14th between 7 and 9pm
