Feb 24, 2016 | slaliberty | 1050 views
The Boston Pizza cup St.Thomas
Hello everyone .
We had a great time this weekend at the tournament in St.Thomas the kids all played a GREAT 5 games all the way up to the semi finals on the last day. All though we didn't take the cup home, the memories will last a lifetime.
The tournament Started off with an exciting first win by the team with a 5-2 win over the Lincoln Blades. The players played there little hearts and just couldn't get past the other remaining teams.
We had five players of the game for the tournament and they were as follows:
Caleb Gailitis
Jayson Hayward
Jeremy (bambam) Grimaldi
Zachary Patrick
and Troy McGuire
As always on tournaments like this and throughout the season the players have created a bond that will last a lifetime and great memories of Hockey , team work, friendship , swimming , ministick hockey, and large buffets. lol
I hope all had as much fun as coach Steve did and will see you all soon for our next show down against the Southpoint Capitals.
Let's go stars
Coach Steve