Dec 11, 2010 | bjones | 217 views
Luck was on our side today!! 7-6
Every once in awhile, you need luck on your side and today was the day! Offensively we had a stellar game with a lot of scoring and some great passing. Leading all scorers with 5 points was Max [3g, 2a], Nathan [1g, 3a] and Jacob [3g]. Very good guys! Dalton and Matt passed numerous times from the Red teams blue line to our players in front of their net. Very nice, keep it up!
Defensively, well, that was another story. Not a whole lot to report positively, so we will let today slide and worry about our next game. Maybe it was the 7:00 time!
Practice is at 7:00 on Sunday. Please click the link in this email so you can read the whole article including other items for important information.
Other Items:
Reminder to collect pledges for the Hospice tournament. I have been told by the organizers that each player must have pledges. IF A PLAYER DOES NOT HAVE PLEDGES THEY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY! The player on each team who has the highest pledges wins free tickets to the Essex 73's hockey game on Dec 28th. The highest player from each team in the tournament will go on the ice for a presentation before that game. The team with the highest pledges wins tickets to the same game so all players can go and watch the 73's play Kingsville Comets. Let's give it our best shot as we need the points as well to have an opportunity to go further in the tournament!! For those parents who have not paid the $10 fee, please pay me Sunday or next week.
Josh will be playing most games in net now, however if there is anyone who really wants to play net let me know and we will do what we can to fit you in another game.
I asked last week for you to let me know the preferred position for your player. As you might guess almost everyone wants to play center or wing. We had one player who wants to play defense and a couple who prefer forward but don't mind playing defense. We will do our best to accommodate your requests. For those of you who did not respond please do so.
I have your pictures ordered at the league picture day. I will hand them out tomorrow at practice. There is an issue with players not ordering team pictures, (including yours truly), [as the league does not supply free ones like in other sports] , however we will work together to come up with a solution for all of us.
thanks for your continued support
Coach Bob