Jan 08, 2011 | bjones | 254 views
Ouch! That one hurts!
Well at least the scorer stopped the scoreboard at 8-2, instead of showing the final 11-2. We started real well and if the game was one period only we would have won 2-0. After the first period we pulled a Team Canada and watched the Maroon team shellac us the rest of the game.
Like Coach Scott told you after the game we spent a lot of time watching the Maroon team take the puck instead of going after them. We have to get back our defensive mind set where we swarm the player with the puck and take control of the game. Some of our players let up with poor skating and poor back checking. When we did get into the Maroon end we stood back and let them take the puck back out and skate down the ice to Josh. I am sure sometimes, Josh felt he was out there by himself.
Other notes:
Our players really need to practice their skating. I am not sure when public skating is but I highly recommend you take every opportunity you can to get on the ice and skate hard.
Positioning, especially on the bigger ice surface is even more important. By staying in your proper position you can conserve energy and be ready for the puck. If everyone continues to chase the puck then you will get tired and won't see good results.
I hope everyone is enjoying the new arena and bigger ice surface. The complex is incredible! Let's pick up our game and play hard against Orange next week. [Adam is in goal]
Practice is at 10:30 on Sunday.
See you all tomorrow,
Coach Bob